So it is officially less than a week from my anatomy scan and a week exactly until our gender reveal party.
I AM SO EXCITED to see what we are cooking in there.
I switched hospitals last week. I am now going with a midwife and thinking about a water birth or
atleast labor in the tub. The hospital is amazing but the midwife is spectacular. They have a rocking chair in the room for you to sit in while you and your midwife talk every appointment. It is so nice. She asked me what my vision for my
babys journey into the world is? I have never had a
dr ask me what I wanted before. I am in love with her.
She got me in next week for my 20 wk
aptmt and
Friday the 9
th for my anatomy scan!!!
we are still planning on not finding out at the
aptmt but we will see what happens neither one of us want to turn our heads for even a second.
don't know if i am crazy or still in disbelief that 2 babies are now only one but I feel upper left movement and lower right movement and i swear on the
Doppler i get two different heartbeats.
I did the needle on a string gender test yesterday and I SWEAR it did nothing in the middle of my belly but on the right it did back and forth (boy) and on the right circles (girl) I think that is so so weird!!!!
I even recorded it on my phone.
I will post a 20 week picture this upcoming week!!!