Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picture post!!!

Me and My Boy Jack at 20 weeks!!

We made tissue paper flowers

And a super cute banner!!!

The cutest Zebra hat auntie Coley got for Jack


Me, Mrs Behne and Mrs Eaton

Team Carly

Everyone who came out to supprort us. Thank you!!

Team Jack

After the ultrasound 2 weeks ago we bought a little pumpkin to dram a Jack O'Lantern face on for the reveal. Here are Jack's Godparents and us at the reveal. We all had guessed Boy. (LOVE the blue "gummy" bear shirts!!!)

Today this was Jack's profile...He is measuring over a week ahead 24 weeks even and 1 lb 6oz ALREADY lol. Big boy!!

I cried for the first time in a while at an ultrasound today when I saw this sweet button nose.

I don't think this really has hot home yet that we are going to have a baby.


Boy is definately a boy lol.

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