Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let me catch you up

Where to start....

So last weekend, Saturday to be exact, Me, my husband, and our puppy Lola moved into our first home( in Lewiston, Maine). We had help from family and friends so it went quickly which was a blessing because it was the hottest day yet. All week we have slowly been unpacking boxes. I have no patience and like to have instant gratification. So had it not been for literal exhaustion i would be completely settled in lol. All week I discovered my house wife dinner cooking floor sweeping side, and have truly blossomed into exactly what my husband wants out of me haha. Then Friday came and I flipped to my weekend warrior, party bday girl and he was ready to starve. Note to self make husband pitch in all week so should you be gone for any reason he would no how to survive.

Oh yes speaking of party girl...I turned 22 yesterday on the 22nd!! I am officially getting old. It was obviously my lucky birthday... I won a couple bucks playing the lottery. SO maybe It wasn't that We went to dinner at TGIFridays yummmm with my mom dick and Julia. Then had friends at my house all night...looking for a hilarious game to play at parties? (drinking game) get "What the Fuck" Best game ever!!

I am waiting for my Husbands brother and sisters and their spouses and kids and their mom to come over. We are having another birthday party for MEEE!!! Ordering out dominoes! Yummm.

Over all though. I am very Happy in my home right now. And MISS my BF Justine to pieces!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOOVE LOVE!!! Im so excited you have a blog now. I only wish I was home with you and hubs to share the joy of YOUR new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you!
    Love you bye
