So it is nap time and that means I get to reflect and relax a bit...At least today that's what I am making it mean :)
I am amazed ever.single.time. Jack rolls around in there, or wedges and punches himself up into my ribs.
When he isn't moving it is like I forget this huge fortune I have been bestowed and then he moves again and I am humbled by this amazing blessing all over again.
I just spent last weekend buying my first bottle of Dreft and washing all the hand me down clothes I have received from some generous friends of friends. I folded them all and took in every adorable little piece. Smelt the little NFL pants...and Teddy Bear Bunting. Then I had a kitchen table FULL of clothes and was like what do I do now....hmm.... OH YAH I will go put them in his drawers...then it HIT ME. These are for my baby, Jack, That I am still miraculously carrying in my womb. And it was overwhelming and surprising.
Needless to say I have been saying lots of Thanks for this pregnancy and making it this far.
I woke up in a cold sweat 2 nights ago at 3am when my husband got up to let the dogs out. Because I JUST REMEMBERED we have our first birthing class tonight and 3 Tuesdays after that. Luckily Hubs got the time off and the daycare moms are picking up a bit early the next 4 Tuesdays for me :)
So yah tonight is my first birthing class...OMGee.
27 weeks 1 day....
New symptoms.. dealing with gestational diabetes constantly, leg and hip pain and numbness, sleep interruption, frequent night time urination, pelvic pain, breasts leaking.
All worth it, each one new and interesting.
I am looking forward to the Holidays finally being the one who can take a cute belly shot with my adoring husband in front of the turkey and Christmas tree. I am also looking very much forward to my last year at home handing out candy.
I am starting to feel the urge to nest, and that urge has me realizing we have to start buying all the little things we will need for his arrival. I want to have a bag packed by 30 weeks to make sure I am ready no matter what. That is three weeks away and I feel like we have nothing. I know that isn't true, I also know my mom and I'm sure family and friends are planning a surprise shower for us and so I know we won't be starting from scratch but I feel the need to be ready NOW. haha prebaby anxiety I'm sure.
I have a visit coming up with my husbands hilarious cousins from mass on November 11th-13th. I am very excited to see them and can't wait to decorate a fancy cake with them for fun! (one is in a cake making class)
That's all nap time is almost over and I will leave you with a recent belly shot...26 weeks.
In front of the bookshelf my stepdad made Jack. 

And just a day later I felt three times bigger <3