Sunday, November 14, 2010

On the second day of Christmas Crafting my husband made with me...

On the second day of Christmas crafting my husband made with meeeee.... A bunch of fish crayons!!!! Okay guys...A really fun gift to make for the little people in your lives...And im not talking about elves! haha So you separate all your old broken crayons (or new ones if you arent recycling) All different shades of the same color makes for a pretty color. (as shown above) You chop them up as shown below...preferably not on an amazingly cherished cutting will ruin it, trust me i learned the hard way lol!!Then take a tin can out of your recyling bin and but all of one color chopped up crayon into the tin can insert into a pot of boiling water and stir using a wooden dowel. I used this old cast iron mold which worked wonderfully and the intricate fish are so much fun! But you can also use the plastic candy molds.And once filled with the hot crayon liquid carefully put in refridgerator to cool and harden.
After cooled just pop them out and enjoy!!!