Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Symptoms 7dpiui

Okay so the other day I experienced dizziness which I have never before. Then last night before bed i was putting on lotion and notices in the mirror that i have these brihgt blue veins right now running from nipple to neck on both sides, I have veins like everyone else, but i am pretty tanned right now and havent noticed them since winter. They are bright~!!

{TMI WARNING}Also a little more milky colored discharge than normal.

Also temps 6dpiui 98.0

7dpiui 98.1

I am noticing but trying not to harp on these things. Ofcourse I dont want to convince myself I am with child just to get a BFN but it is exciting and these days I am trying to "Celebrate the small successes."

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mrs. Lydon! Guess we are paired up for the fall friendship swap at Windy Poplars!! I've been excited about this for a while too! I just love fall! I just started following your blog..hope you'll come over to mine and return the favor!
