I have STRETCH MARKS around my belly button, I am broken out in every single place i possibly could be, I am constantly sick, I have gone up 2 cup sizes, I am awake almost every hour because I get an uncomfortable tugging sensation when I sleep on my side or i am sick or i have to pee, I now have diarrhea issues, in the afternoon i get a moment where i cant keep my eyes open, food aversions to almost everything........AAANNNNDDDD I am so grateful for every single second of every single thing on this list. All of it makes me feel more like there is actually a baby growing inside there. Every time I feel any of these symptoms I throw up a prayer to god thanking him and asking him to keep baby growing strong.
I would be this sick the entire time if it means I have a forever child to love and share my life with. In no way shape or form am I complaining. It is not like I am some weirdo who enjoys being sick either its just reassuring.
Thank you God, please let me continue to be able to grow and nurture my baby.
love love LOVE this post! and congrats :)