Tuesday, May 17, 2011

waiting again...

Tommorow morning I have my follow up beta. I am hoping and praying for great big doubling numbers. I know after tommorows beta being good and doubling I will feel a little more at ease.
But the thing that I will be waiting for on pins and needles is the ultrasound. I want to see if they both made it and I need to see heartbeats before I tell our families.

I am throwing around ideas on how to tell them and I think I found one that might be fun. At a family get together I will say I want to take a family photo of everyone...And as I am about to snap the photo I will say ...Okay, saaayy Kates Pregnant!!! Or okay, saaayyy Kates having Twins!!! And snap a pic of them realizing what I have said.

I havent experienced MS yet, just a few nauseous moments here and there. But the same dry itchy nipples I had with my last pregnancy. A tugging sensation to the left of my bellybutton. sore boobs, and some light cramping, more of aching really. Tired for sure.

So grateful for today. I am pregnant today and thank God every minute for that. I am going to take in every moment this lasts. Because I know not everything does, but on that note i am doing everything possible to keep these babes healthy and snuggled.


  1. Very sweet! Praying for sweet rest, relaxation, peace, and protection for you and your babes. Sending love...

  2. Congratulations... wonderful result :)) FXd for your repeat beta :) xoxo

  3. Congrats on your pregnancy.. Cant wait to hear an awesome beta result. Im your newest follower from over at
    'Love that moves the stars'. xx
